Thursday, February 7, 2008

Two year old Snow Day

My son is a little before two years old. We had a snow day today and we have one tomorrow also. The one thing that I noticed is that my son really misses the kids when he, is home with me all day. We play all day and we wrestle, we read books, do puzzles, and all sorts of things. It still seems like I am not as fun as all of the kids. Does anyone have that problem with their kids? I do think he has a little crush on the little blonde girl at day care. Maybe that's it.....


Anonymous said...

So what's more tiring?

A day at school, as a teacher, or, spending a day with your son wrestling and putting puzzles together.

I wish that I had as much energy that they have!

Second Grade Teacher said...

OH MY GOODNESS! A day at home w/my 2 kids is WAY MORE EXHAUSTING than anything I do at "work"! That's b/c it's more than puzzles and wrestling: it's diaper changes for the infant, full wardrobe changes for the one potty-training (just you wait, Amy!)
calming temper tantrums, actually FINDING the one that just started crawling (UNDERNEATH the futon!)

Then there's bath time which is like trying to wrestle a crocodile (the infant likes to splash and move and hates being washed!) :-) the 3-year old adds to the mix of water flying everywhere!

Though I've always worked professionally, full time, outside the home, I could NEVER be a full time stay-at-home mom! It is the toughest job in the world and I give lots of credit to those who give up their profession or put off their studies to raise their children.

Also, Amy, I believe your son DID miss the cute little blonde from daycare! Kids the same age have a language all their own. He was also out of his normal routine. Kids CRAVE consistency and when something's out of place they just don't always know how to react, so they probably get a little bit sad when they miss their peer group (even at such a young age!)

Enjoy him while he's young! He will grow up WAY TOO QUICKLY!